The last time I checked, it was about 8000. But it's probably more than that now.
Hopefully not too long.
Becuase of coronavirus virus, many people have been working from home.
The company that I work has been discussing whether to telecommute or not.
오늘까지, 전세계적으로 코로나바이러스 확진자가 35000명이 조금 안되고
사망자가 약 725명 되는데 이것은 약 2%의 치사율을 나타낸다. 이 표에 따르면
지난 며칠 동안 증가율이 사실 좀 떨어진 편이지만 잠복기간에길게는 2주까지
간다는 것을 고려하면 우리가 할 수 있는 것은 다 해서 2차 3차 확산을 예방하는
것이 중요하다.
As of today there are just under 35000 confirmed cases Of
coronavirus infections worldwide and about 725 deaths, which
gives us a mortality rate Of about 2%. According to this chart,
the increase rate over the past couple Of days has actually
gone down a bit but considering that the incubation period can
be as long as 2 weeks, it's very important that we do everythi
we can to prevent secondary, and tertiary spreads.
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