better life/English

[라이브아카데미] 원래 ~ 하려고 했는데, ~하게 됐다.

꿀귤_ 2022. 11. 9. 13:41

원래는 친구들 몇명이랑 영화 보고 같이 점심을 먹으려고 했는데
친구 하나가 갑자기 일이 생겨서 결국은 다 취소하게 됐어.

I was actually going to go to the movies with some friends and we were going to have lunch together but one of them suddenly had something to do so we (just) ended up cancelling the whole thing.



When I quit the job for the second time and went to England, the first person I met spoke very fast and had a Welsh accent. Even he used slang so much. 

I wasn't able to understand what he said. The real native English owas very different from the book.

All I could do was just frozen and zip my mouth. Since that day, I lost my confidence in speaking English. All the expressions I studied for the trip disappeared from my mind. 
I was actually going to make a lot of forien friends but his english let me down so I just ended up staying at home during a trip.

